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Consumer Guide to Buying LEDs - Version 2 released

Posted on 19 September 2012 2012-09-19T00:00:00+00:00 2012-09-19T00:00:00+00:00 is pleased to release version 2 of the Consumer Guide to Buying LEDs is pleased to release version 2 of the Consumer Guide to Buying LEDs.


In the fast developing LED market there are many excellent products on sale. However, high quality LEDs are sometime hard for consumers to identify among competing products that may be of lower quality. This Consumer Guide to Buying LEDs has been developed to help governments, suppliers, retailers and other stakeholders inform consumers how to identify these high quality LEDs.


The guide has been prepared cooperatively by a number of participants and has been thoroughly reviewed by experts to ensure accuracy, thus providing independent and unbiased text for use in publications guiding consumers in selecting a quality LED products.


Copies of the guidelines, in both Word and PDF versions, are available here.