The International Commission for Illumination (CIE) International Standard CIE S 025/E:2015, Test Method for LED Lamps, LED Luminaires and LED Modules, was highlighted in the newsletter in December 2016, along with the announcement of the CIE tutorial on this standard (which will be held in Bern, Switzerland , in May 2017). Some within the readership might already be familiar with the CIE but might not know how to participate in the activities of the Commission.
The CIE was established in 1913 and since that time has been working globally, developing technical reports and international standards on all matters pertaining to light and lighting. In this context, light and lighting embraces such fundamental subjects as vision, photometry and colorimetry, involving natural and man-made radiations over the ultraviolet, the visible and infrared regions of the spectrum, and application subjects covering all usage of light, indoors and out, including environmental and aesthetic effects, as well as means for the production and control of light and radiation. In these fields the CIE produces technical reports and international standards, which are available from their WebShop, and technical notes, which are freely available from the CIE website.
With this breadth of activities, the work of the CIE can only be achieved by ongoing contribution from technical experts, who contribute to the various CIE Technical Committees (TCs). Participation in a CIE TC is open to all experts in the field, regardless of the existence or otherwise of a CIE National Committee (NC) in the country that a particular expert resides in.
Over and above individual contributors to TC work, the CIE has a network of member countries, comprised of its National Committees (NC), Associate National Committees (ANC), Associate Members (AM) and Supportive Members (SM) of the Commission. Each of these types of membership comes with different levels of entitlement, with NCs forming the General Assembly of the Commission, this body having both technical and administrative responsibilities. In the ASEAN region Malaysia is a NC member, Singapore is an ANC and the National Metrology Institute of Thailand is an AM.
The Associate Members Program is specifically designed to enable developing and newly industrializing countries to participate in the work of the CIE and to benefit from its International Standards and scientific expertise. Application to become an AM is available to either the National Standardization Body or National Metrology Institute in a country where there is no existing CIE NC or ANC. AMs can participate in the technical work of the CIE without having voting rights. For further details, please download the Letter of Invitation.
The CIE looks forward to increased communication with those involved in the programme, and the ASEAN region in general, either through membership of a National Committee in the region, participation in CIE technical work, or at a CIE organized event, such as one of tutorials on S 025, or a CIE conference. The next CIE conference will be held during the CIE Midterm Meeting in Korea in October 2017 (