Efficient Lighting in Asia: Regional position paper on current status, opportunities and constraints
Almost all countries in the Asia region have government policies targeted at improving the efficiency of lighting in the domestic, commercial and/or industrial sectors. Policies range from relatively simple replacement subsidy and awareness campaigns, through to fully developed programmes that have successfully removed the least efficient lighting products from the market.
However, prior to, and during the lifetime of the lites.asia initiative, a number of constraints have been identified which are limiting the ability of regional governments in Asia to progress their efforts to improve efficient lighting. Therefore, based on available evidence, lites.asia has drafted a regional position paper which seeks to identify and summarise:
- The potential energy, cost and emissions savings that are possible with a continued move to more efficient lighting in the region;
- The current policies targeting the improvement of lighting efficiency of countries in the region, and the opportunities to accelerate the transition to more efficient lighting;
- The physical, technical and human resources constraints that are limiting the progress of countries in achieving their policy goals;
- Proposals that may assist countries in delivering higher efficiency lighting and yielding maximum benefits without hampering national economic and social development goals or other international commitments.