IEC TC34 panel meetings were held on 14-25 January 2013 in Milan, Italy.
The schedule for the meetings was as follows:
- Monday 14 January 2013: Component reliability
- Tuesday 15 January 2013: LED Panel
- Wednesday 16 January 2013: LED Panel
- Thursday 17 January 2013: LED luminaire performance (AM)
- Thursday 17 January 2013: LED terms and definitions (PM)
- Friday 18 January 2013: LED retrofit
- Monday 21 January 2013: LUMEX IP (AM)
- Monday 21 January 2013: LUMEX ELP (PM)
- Monday 21 January 2013: DALI
- Monday 21 January 2013: IEC 60968 CFLi safety
- Tuesday 22 January 2013: LUMEX PAP
- Tuesday 22 January 2013: DALI
- Tuesday 22 January 2013: IEC 60969 CFLi performance
- Wednesday 23 January 2013: LUMEX PAP
- Wednesday 23 January 2013: COMEX safety software
- Wednesday 23 January 2013: CFLi performance tiers (AM)
- Wednesday 23 January 2013: IEC 60901 CFL non-i dimming (PM)
- Thursday 24 January 2013: COMEX CG
- Thursday 24 January 2013: PRESCO HID performance
- Friday 25 January 2013: COMEX PT HID (AM)
- Friday 25 January 2013: TC 34 IC (PM)
Attendance from the Asia-Pacific region included representatives from the Philippines, Vietnam, Australia, Indonesia, China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea. The meetings focused on technical drafting and review of a range of IEC performance and safety standards for lighting. Much of the time was devoted to continued development of standards and terms and definitions for LED lighting, however there was also work on standards for compact fluorescent lamps.
Of interest to stakeholders was the further work on IEC 60969 CFLi Performance Standard, where it was pleasing to see significant progress towards producing a final revised standard. Time was also allocated to discussion of the proposed Technical Specification for CFL Performance Tiers. This proposal has received a mixed response from TC34 participants. Attendees from a number of countries attending the workshop, including countries, spoke in support of the proposal. However attendees from some other countries expressed reservations about the proposal. The proposal has also been circulated as a draft for comment by National Committees and collated comments are available from National Standards committees – (CC)34A-1639-DC-REV1. Further discussion is expected at the next TC34 PRESCO meeting in Korea on 8 April 2013. The resolution in support of the Technical Specification (an outcome of the Delhi meeting) was circulated in advance and was discussed at the meeting.
Another interesting issue that arose during the meetings was the topic of sample size for IEC lighting performance standards. It was noted that most of the performance standards state that they are intended for type testing, which may often only require one sample. However it was acknowledged that sample sizes in these standards also serve as guidance for production testing and compliance. One option might be to make use of informative annexes to provide guidance of sample sizes across a range of applications. A paper is to be prepared for further discussion at the next PRESCO meeting in Korea.
Stimulated by the meeting, attendees have produced a summary of the IEC LED lighting standards that have been published to date (January 2013) and those that are currently under development. This information should assist countries, regulators or other stakeholders to establish their LED Lighting Implementation Roadmaps based on international standards and technical specifications with the view of enhancing gains from existing lighting energy efficiency programs or initiatives. To view this summary, click here.