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For almost eight years, has served as a forum on energy efficient lighting standards and policies for policymakers and other stakeholders involved in standards development and implementation in the Asia-Pacific region. This has included eleven regional meetings, 21 newsletters, support for regional attendance at IEC standards meetings, webinars, reports and other resources hosted on the website. Sadly, at the end of June 2017, in its active form will cease. The website will continue for the time being as a static site so that the information it contains remains available to interested parties.

Moira Mathers

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Benchmark testing of 240 residential LED lamps collected from nine ASEAN countries is being undertaken as part of ASEAN SHINE – Lighting, a United Nations Environment Programme project. The purpose of this exercise is to gain an understanding of the quality of the LED products available in ASEAN.

Moira Mathers

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As part of its LED Scale-up Project, The Climate Group has launched the new LED city consultation handout to help discuss, identify and address remaining barriers to LED adoption and help accelerate scale-up of energy efficient street lighting globally.

Moira Mathers

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In May 2017, the United Nations Environment Programme United for Efficiency initiative launched the first in a series of reports that provide guidance to policymakers on promoting energy efficient products. The report, Accelerating the Global Adoption of Energy-Efficient Lighting, gives advice on how to promote energy efficient lighting in a national market.

Moira Mathers

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Australia has been one of the world’s leaders in the transition to more efficient lighting and the lighting policies and activities that have implemented under the Government Equipment Energy Efficiency Program have led to significant savings.

Moira Mathers

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The Equipment Energy Efficiency Program (E3 Program) will reduce allowed mercury levels in compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) and linear fluorescent lamps (LFLs) in Australia, in order to meet the requirement of the Minamata Mercury Convention and align with levels set by major markets.

Moira Mathers

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The IEA 4E SSL Annex 2017 Interlaboratory Comparison (IC 2017) for goniophotometer measurements is open to all photometric laboratories that use goniophotometers for testing LED lighting products. Formal registration opens on 30 June 2017 and laboratories can sign up on the Annex website.

Moira Mathers

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A new report from the IEA 4E SSL Annex which considers the new international standard (CIE S 025/E:2015), Test Method for LED Lamps, LED Luminaires and LED Modules, for use by stakeholders as the basis for measuring quality and performance aspects of LED lighting products is now available.

Moira Mathers

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A new report from the IEA 4E SSL Annex which highlights dozens of initiatives that contributed to the promotion of quality, energy efficient lighting in the SSL Annex member country markets is now available.

Moira Mathers

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Under its Global Environment Facility (GEF) Leapfrogging Markets to High Efficiency Products (Appliances, including Lighting, and Electrical Equipment) programmatic approach, United for Efficiency has started preparations with Indonesia and Myanmar on new market transformation projects.

Moira Mathers

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A new publication, Handbook for ASEAN Government Officials on Climate Change and SDGs, from the Asia-Europe Foundation which aims to promote a better understanding of the Paris Agreement and the follow-up process for ASEAN Member States is now available.

Moira Mathers

Posted on invites you to provide your feedback on the programme and its usefulness, along with your views on the future.

Moira Mathers

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The IEA 4E SSL Annex is now preparing to launch the 2017 Interlaboratory Comparison (IC 2017) for goniophotometer measurements. IC 2017 is open to all photometric laboratories that use goniophotometers for testing LED lighting products. The formal announcement and the Protocol for IC 2017 describing detailed test specifications will be posted in June 2017 and registration will be open for a few months. Participant measurement rounds will start in July and continue until early 2018.

Moira Mathers

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In January 2017, the World Customs Organisation broad level classifications for LED lamps (8539.50.00) came into effect. This now provides an opportunity for more detailed import categories to be developed at the national level to enable increased understanding of market changes. As an example, at the request of Australia regulators and industry, Australia has developed and adopted more detailed LED national import categories. The additional LED lighting product statistical codes being implemented by the Australian Bureau of Statistics will provide improved LED lighting product import data.

Moira Mathers

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In December 2016, the street lighting and smart control industry in Australia united for the release of a major report on the future of the country’s street lighting that demonstrates the massive economic, environmental and public safety benefits of light emitting diode (LED) street lighting.

Moira Mathers

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The International Commission on Illumination (CIE) is an independent, non-profit organization which develops technical reports and international standards on all matters pertaining to light and lighting. Its Associate Members Program is specifically designed to enable developing and newly industrializing countries to participate in the work of the CIE and to benefit from its International Standards and scientific expertise.

Moira Mathers

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The Australian and New Zealand Equipment Energy Efficiency (E3) Program, has commissioned a consumer study on the role and impact of lamp labelling and packaging information in the consumer purchase decision. Although the results of study are specific to the Australian and New Zealand situation, the report provides insights into consumer behaviour in relation to energy labels and into the methodology and questioning protocol for these types of survey. The report may therefore be of interest to policymakers considering undertaking investigations into how labels are viewed in their own country.

Moira Mathers

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According to a United for Efficiency Country Savings Assessment, Myanmar could reduce its annual national electricity use by over 6 per cent in 2030—saving nearly $60 million in reduced electricity bills.  Building on previous support from and the United Nations Environment Programme-Global Environment Facility en.lighten initiative, the Global Environment Facility-UN Environment’s United for Efficiency and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) SHINE programme are providing Myanmar with assistance in developing and implementing energy efficiency policies for appliances, lighting and equipment.

Moira Mathers

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A webinar on the Australian/New Zealand Lighting Consultation Regulation Impact Statement (RIS), will be held at 14.30 Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time, Friday 24 February 2017. This webinar will cover similar material to the recent stakeholder consultation meetings held in several Australian cities and Auckland, New Zealand.

Moira Mathers

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A new prototype lighting product registration system from the UNEP-GEF enlighten initiative illustrates the capabilities and highlights the benefits of product registration systems.

Moira Mathers

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Two short infographic videos from the UNEP-GEF en.lighten initiative provide an introduction to monitoring, verification and enforcement.

Moira Mathers

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A new series of guidance notes from the UNEP-GEF en.lighten initiative provides a practical resource for governments on six key elements of an effective monitoring, verification and enforcement framework.

Moira Mathers

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The presentations from the ASEAN SHINE Lighting kick-off workshop held in Bangkok Thailand on 2-3 February 2016 are now available.

Moira Mathers

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The Australian, State, Territory and New Zealand Governments will host a webinar on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 at 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM AUS Eastern Standard Time to facilitate online consultation on the future regulation of LED lighting products proposed in the recent discussion paper, Product Profile: Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs).

Moira Mathers

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The Australian, State, Territory and New Zealand Governments have released a discussion paper for stakeholder consultation on the future regulation of LED lighting products.

Moira Mathers

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The presentation and audio recording from the United Nations Environment Programme en.lighten initiative and webinar, How to Create and Operate a Lighting Product Registration System, are now available.

Moira Mathers

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The presentations and audio recording from the United Nations Environment Programme en.lighten initiative and webinar, Market Baselines and Surveillance for Efficient Lighting Products, on Thursday, 30 July 2015 are now available.

Moira Mathers

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Newly launched guidance note, Developing Minimum Energy Performance Standards for Lighting Products, provides advice to policy makers on the development and implementation of this powerful tool for the transition to energy efficient lighting.

Moira Mathers

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A laboratory training workshop was held in Beijing, China on 22-24 April 2015 to build the technical capacity in the testing of energy efficient lighting products in the national lighting testing laboratories in the participating countries. The presentations and summary of the workshop are now available to download.

Moira Mathers

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The presentations and audio recording from the United Nations Environment Programme en.lighten initiative and webinar, Best Practices for Enforcing Efficient Lighting Regulations, on Thursday, 28 May 2015 are now available.

Moira Mathers

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The presentation and audio recording from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) en.lighten initiative and webinar, CIE Test Method for LED Lamps, on Thursday, 7 May 2015 are now available.

Moira Mathers

Posted on

ASEAN member states have committed themselves to work together to switch to efficient lighting standards and policies, a move that will significantly reduce energy consumption in the region. This agreement was reached at the 19th annual meeting of the Energy Efficiency & Conservation Sub-Sector Network (EE&C-SSN) in Kuala Lumpur on 24 April 2015.

Moira Mathers

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The presentation and audio recording from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) en.lighten initiative and webinar, Communication of Lighting Product Performance Standards and Labelling Programmes to Supply Chain Providers, on 9 April 2015 are now available.

Moira Mathers

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The Clean Energy Solutions Center, in partnership the International Energy Agency’s 4E Implementing Agreement, is hosting a no-cost webinar on the impact of efforts to phase out inefficient lighting in several countries and regions around the world.

Moira Mathers

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The presentations from UNEP en.lighten in-country training for policy makers and laboratory staff in Indonesia, Myanmar and Thailand are now available to download.

Moira Mathers

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The presentation and audio recording from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) en.lighten initiative and webinar, Lamp Product Performance Tests and Interpretation of Results, on 5 March 2015 is now available.

Moira Mathers

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The presentation from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) en.lighten initiative and webinar, Evaluation Indicators for Energy Efficient Lighting MVE Policy, held on 15 January 2015 is now available.

Moira Mathers

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The presentations and audio recording from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) en.lighten initiative and webinar, Lighting Product Registration Systems: Design and Operation, held on 4 December 2014 are now available.

Moira Mathers

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The presentations and audio recording from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) en.lighten initiative and webinar, Testing Lamp Efficacy, Lumen Maintenance, Rated Life and Uncertainties, held on 23 October are now available.

Moira Mathers

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The presentations from the United Nations Environment Programme en.lighten initiative workshop on developing a legislative framework for lighting monitoring, verification and enforcement (MVE) was held in Jakarta, Indonesia from 19 - 21 August 2014 are now available.

Moira Mathers

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The presentations and audio recording from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) en.lighten initiative and webinar, Developing a Legislative Framework to Support Successful MVE Activities for Energy Efficient Lighting, held on 7 August are now available.

Moira Mathers

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The US National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) has recently published a brief white paper on failure modes of compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) which explains in simplified terms why these lamps have different failure modes from standard incandescent lamps.

Moira Mathers

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This month, the Australian Government has released an Energy Rating app designed to help households and businesses save money on their power bills by choosing energy efficient appliances.

Moira Mathers

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The presentation and audio recording from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) en.lighten initiative and webinar, Lighting Product Benchmarking as an Energy Baseline for Change, held on Thursday, 3 July 2014 are now available.

Moira Mathers

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In a message to the Asia Pacific region released in advance of the first United Nations Environment Assembly, the UNEP Executive Director and UN Under-Secretary-General discusses the opportunities that UNEA offers for the region to gain the attention of the international community and the role that the region can play in shaping the global environmental agenda.

Moira Mathers

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The IEC proposal ‘PNW 34A-1754: Self-ballasted compact fluorescent lamps for general lighting services - Performance limits’ is now available for vote. This technical specification specifies a number of performance limits that can be applied to self-ballasted CFLs intended for general lighting services and includes an outline of tiers of performance that, if approved, could provide a valuable resource for member countries.

Moira Mathers

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The UNEP en.lighten initiative is pleased to assume responsibility for the Secretariat and extends an invitation to the next meeting to be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 22-23 April 2014.

Moira Mathers

Posted on

Since 2011, has been supported by the Australian Government as part of the Australian Aid Fast Start program. During that time, Jeffcott Associates have provided project management and secretariat services. Current arrangements are now coming to an end and we are pleased to inform you that arrangements are in place for further support for lighting energy efficiency initiatives in the region, including the transfer of the management of, to the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) en.lighten initiative.

Moira Mathers

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To avoid possible delays in publication of the second edition of IEC 60969 should the CDV be voted positive, comments on the CDV should be submitted to the project team convenor, Owen Manley, as soon as possible.

Moira Mathers

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The secretariat is pleased to report the formal submission of the Asia regional position paper on efficient lighting to the UNEP en.lighten initiative. The position paper seeks to identify the benefits of, and constraints to, energy efficient lighting and to summarise the policies currently in place, and the opportunities available, for accelerating the transition to more efficient lighting.

Moira Mathers

Posted on

The IEC have just issued the revised CFL testing and performance requirements standard (IEC 60969 Ed.2, Self-ballasted compact fluorescent lamps for general lighting services - Performance requirements) as a Committee Draft for Vote (CDV). Countries that are members of TC34 are encouraged to review the CDV and, if in agreement with the revisions, to contact their National Committee to request a favourable vote.

Moira Mathers

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The materials from the meeting in Manila, Philippines on 2-3 October 2013, and associated Philippine stakeholder workshop on 4 October 2013, are now available to download

Moira Mathers

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As part of its ‘Promotion of energy-efficient lighting in Kazakhstan’ project, the United Nations Development Programme in the Republic of Kazakhstan is announcing the extension of competitive bidding for two research projects

Moira Mathers

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A Workshop to Support the Development of National Lighting Design Centers in the APEC Region will take place during the week of 2-6 September 2013 in Bangkok, Thailand

Moira Mathers

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Nominations are now open for Global LEAP Outstanding Off-Grid Product Awards

Moira Mathers

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Documents from the seventh meeting held in April 2013 in Jakarta are now available to download from the website

Moira Mathers

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The new Communications Materials Library is now available on the website and members are invited to submit documents to be uploaded.

Moira Mathers

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The Tropical Region Performance Criteria for LEDs, drafted at the request of members, has been finalised and is now available to download on the website.

Moira Mathers

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The United Nations Environment Programme's en.lighten initiative is hosting a webinar, Communications, Engagement and Energy Efficient Lighting, on Friday 4 April 2013 at 8:30 - 9:30 AM CET

Moira Mathers

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The United Nations Environment Programme's en.lighten initiative is hosting a webinar, Selecting and Implementing Energy Efficient Lighting Policies, on Thursday 14 March 2013 at, 8:30 - 9:30 AM CET

Moira Mathers

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Details of several impending deadlines of relevance to members - comments to IEC on CFL performance tiers, participating in LED testing and webinar on compliance

Moira Mathers

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At the IEC meetings in Beijing in September 2012, draft performance levels for CFLs were submitted for consideration as a technical specification. The IEC has now issued a request for comments on this proposal for a technical specification.

Moira Mathers

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On 22 October 2012, the IEA 4E SSL Annex announced the launch of its 2013 Interlaboratory Comparison of SSL product testing which seeks to involve more than 100 SSL laboratories worldwide

Moira Mathers

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Comments on the draft of IEC 60969 standard for the measurement of performance of CFLs currently being developed by TC34 are scheduled for discussion at the IEC meeting in Beijing on 24 September 2012

Moira Mathers

Posted on is pleased to release version 2 of the Consumer Guide to Buying LEDs

Moira Mathers

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The first Indian international lighting exhibition will be held on 5-8 October 2012 in New Delhi, India

Moira Mathers

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The 3rd International Off-Grid Lighting Business Conference and Trade Fair will be held on 13-15 November 2012, at the King Fahd Palace in Dakar, Senegal.  This is the third global off-grid lighting conference and is organized by Lighting Africa, in collaboration with the Senegalese Agency for Rural Electrific...

Moira Mathers

Posted on is seeking feedback on the draft LED consumer guidelines first tabled at the Singapore meeting in October 2011. Comments on relevance and content should be sent to by 15 July 2012

Moira Mathers

Posted on

The official Website for the Symposium on LED Lighting Standardization on Thursday, March 8th, 2012 is open now.   Accommodation For accommodation, the “Hotel Nikko (= Japan Airline) Tokyo” is the best hotel for a very convenient access to the Sympos...

Posted on was the feature of a recent article in the IEC E-tech newsletter.