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News Alert: Regional position paper on efficient lighting in Asia released

Posted on 15 November 2013 2013-11-15T00:00:00+00:00 2015-02-12T00:00:00+00:00

The secretariat is pleased to report the formal submission of the Asia regional position paper on efficient lighting to the UNEP en.lighten initiative. The position paper seeks to identify the benefits of, and constraints to, energy efficient lighting and to summarise the policies currently in place, and the opportunities available, for accelerating the transition to more efficient lighting.

The secretariat is pleased to report the formal submission of the Asia regional position paper on efficient lighting to the UNEP en.lighten initiative. The position paper seeks to identify and summarise: 


  • The potential energy, cost and emissions savings that are possible with a continued move to more efficient lighting in the region.
  • The current policies targeting the improvement of lighting efficiency of countries in the region and the opportunities to accelerate the transition to more efficient lighting.
  • The physical, technical and human resource constraints that are limiting the progress of countries in achieving their policy goals.
  • Proposals that may assist countries in delivering higher efficiency lighting and yielding maximum benefits without hampering national economic and social development goals or other international commitments.

The paper has been prepared by the secretariat based on the knowledge and experience gathered by the secretariat during the four years that has served as a forum for national lighting efficiency regulators and policy makers in the region. In addition, during the preparation of the paper, supplementary information and comments were provided by contacts in relevant government, institutions and standards agencies in 13 countries in the region. While we would like to acknowledge and thank the wide range of stakeholders that have provided input, it should be noted the views expressed do not necessarily represent the views of countries in the region.


To download a copy of the regional position paper, click here. For more information on, please visit or email the secretariat on